Stage to Sell! Do’s and Don’ts

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The purpose of staging your home is to prepare your home to be seen at its best! You wouldn’t go to a job interview or an important meeting not dressed to impress, so why not stage your home for success? Did you know staged properties spend 73% less time on the market? Well, according to the Real Estate Staging Association not only do staged properties spend less time on the market they look better, sell for more money and are highly likely to be on the top of a buyers priority list.

Take yourself back to the time where you were in the buyer’s shoes. As a potential buyer you saw many homes. Some were staged, whereas some were not. Surely, you remember the houses that were decorated beautifully and even gave you the homey feel. You might even remember the cringe you felt walking into someone’s home who did not give you that feeling. Maybe their homes seemed bare and lifeless or maybe their homes were cluttered with personal items making it hard for you as a buyer to see yourself there. For these reasons, staging is essential to sell your home to a potential buyer.

Below are a list of Do’s and Don’ts for staging your home

  • DO Detach – Memories are forever but this house must be sold!
  • DON’T keep the clutter- This one of the most important tools in selling  your home
  • DO your research on how to stage your home or use your resources and find someone to stage your home for you.
  • DO upgrade your appliances
  • DON’T keep that same paint job from 3 years ago. Paint your walls.
  • DO have great lighting to give your home and welcoming and warm feeling.
  • DON’T make your room look smaller. You want a small room to appear bigger than it is, for this reason you may want to paint your walls the same color as your drapery.aimco_apartment_bedroom