I ran across this topic today as I was browsing through articles and it hit me that I was supposed to deliver a blog post about this very topic on Valentine’s Day. So today’s blog is dedicated to those who are single in the city and think that homeownership is for married couples.
Realtor.com’s article, “More Single Female Buyers on the Hunt” discusses that women today aren’t waiting for prince charming. The timeframe for meeting Mr. Right, getting married, and having kids is a further stretch of a timeline than in the earlier decades of women. Today’s women are buying their own homes in the time-being. Once Mr. Right does come along, you could sell your property and make profit to purchase the marital home.
Let’s start with the stats of New Avenue Realty. Majority of my clients are either millenials, single, or both. I say that by saying you don’t have to be a certain age to purchase a home nor do you have to be married. I talk to a lot of my single girlfriends who feel they are going to wait until they are married until they purchase a home. Purchasing a home is a form of wealth-building. As my banker once told me, “it is basically you moving your assets from one place to another.”
Did you know there many types of homes that you could purchase? If you’re one of the ones who are used to someone else caring for the property, opt for a townhome or condo. The community association fees typically pay for the common areas and the upkeep of the community. In some areas, cable, water, and sewer may be included. There are tons of options besides a home and a yard. Visit newavenuerealty.com to find the hottest homes whether they are condos, townhomes, or houses in DFW.